Monday, March 10, 2008

Winter migrations

Thursday morning when I drove to work the Snow geese, who have been migrating through our area, were settled in the field I had to drive by. In anticipation of this opportunity, I had been leaving my camera in the car. When you drive up on them, they first appear as several inches of snow on the ground. As you draw closer, however, they begin to be distinguished as living creatures, and then materialize into the beautiful birds that they are.

It doesn't take much to spook them, and the noise is as loud as the jets at Oceana. They whirl and swirl and dance their aereal and ground ballet. We aren't priveleged to their company for very long, unlike the Canadian geese who often live here all year long, but they are a beuatiful reminder that Spring - that long awaited joy - is just around the corner.

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