Today, I am writing a completely different kind of story. What follows is the account of what happened on Saturday, May 3, 2008 as I have deduced it from Rob's story and a couple other people's observations.
Rob had hired a couple guys to come over and help us get rid of the Pampas grass in our yard. We have often burned brush in our back yard, and Rob decided to help get that done. There were two containers of flammable liquids - used motor oil and high performance gasoline. Apparently, there was some confusion as to which was in which. Rob picked up the blue kerosene container and poured some on the pile. When he lit the pile, it exploded, throwing him about 10 feet away. Rob said, his first thought was "Is this how it ends?" Fortunately, it is not. All those years of training and his guardian angels changed the whole equation. He remembered not to breathe, dropped to the ground and rolled. When he stood up, he used the hose to put out any other flame, then went into the house and scrubbed his arm. Our neighbor Pete came over and asked him if he was okay, and ,of course, Rob said yes. (Rob does not remember that conversation.). Since he was in shock, all of these things were done without him really knowing or feeling them. Good thing. The pain to clean his arm was horrific. Then Rob changed his shirt, went back outside, picked up his hat and glasses (which saved his face from severe burns) and got ready to drive himself to the ER. He was just coming out of the house when I pulled in from running my errands. He asked me if I would take him to the ER because he had burned his arm.
We spent a couple hours in Albemarle Hospital. The Dr there felt more comfortable sending Rob to the burn center at Norfolk General. They transported him by ambulance, and I followed a few minutes later. The team at Norfolk General were also wonderful. Since we had the option to stay in the burn unit or do home treatments for two days and return to the clinic we opted for professional care. That too proved to be a blessing. Rob was sent into the shower Sunday morning to debride the wound. The morphine kept him from passing out. Meanwhile one of the Dr's on the burn team was in surgery on another case. Our nurse ROBYN called him and he came down to see Rob. They treated his arm with aquacel, and told us that if it adhered to the burn we could go home the next day. If not, he would have to have a surgical debridement and they would try the aquacel again. The treatment worked, and we were able to come home Monday afternoon. Now the long recovery begins.
Rob's colleagues and supervisors at Lockheed Martin have been amazing. Mike Chen took the ball and rolled with it. I have had nothing to worry about and very little to do to get Rob's claim going. Rick Whitty and Linda from the Hampton office showed up at the hospital Monday morning before we checked out. People have called and e-mailed from everywhere. My prayer warriors have been very supportive, sendling messages and offers of help. We have been covered by the love of Christ through the body of Christ. We are so grateful.
I have always been aware of the great blessings of the Lord in my life, and not reticent to share. Now however I feel that I don't say enough. How can I not shout out loud the wonderful blessings of our wonderful God. Rob could have died. At the very least he could be much more severely injured. Yet still the Lord protected him and helped him. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me".
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