Thursday, December 18, 2008

Judah 8 weeks

As you can see, our boy is growing and growing.
He is holding his head up. And starting to coo and goo and laugh.

He's amazing. And he is fun. And he goes through a lot of diapers!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

And the Princess!!

Never let it be said that this child is shy!!

Or ugly!! Here some more of our Princess dressed for a Princess Ball

With her friends at Emma's Birthday Party

And with her baby brother:

More Judah Pictures

Little long piano fingers

Precious baby boy

Little wrinkled toes.
We are having so much fun loving our new baby boy. He is sweet and good and we are so happy he is here.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Judah Arrives

On Thursday, October 23, Judah arrived. Of course, he was scheduled to arrive that day, so it was really no surprise. He weighed 7 lbs and is 20 inches long. He has long fingers and toes - think piano hands. He loves to sleep and very seldom peeps out to look at the world. Here are a couple photos I shot at our first hospital visit Thursday afternoon.

Over the last several days, I have spent a lot of time with Sonya. She makes a face that I call her thundercloud face. Here is a picture of that face. At first she got mad at me when I said that to her; now she laughs and the face goes away. She is growing up too fast.

I love being here to play with Sonya and help Missy. What comes next is hard to know.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some reasons why I am in KY

Here are some of the reasons I am in Kentucky:

Our latest news is that Rob has been meeting with the team in Orlando about a job. Allan thought is was ironic. What will happen, who knows, but for now, I'm in the KY. Missing my man, but having Grandma fun.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I am vindicated

There is something special about the selection of Sarah Palin as the vice presidential candidate. A woman just like me is running for the second highest office in the land. My favorite author, like me, has a difficult time writing about these issues without getting emotional. She has placed some links to her blog to let some other people speak about the issue. This link will take you to BJ's blog and the links. They add a balance to what has been going on in the mainstream media. We all are entitled to a better perspective.

Enjoy!! Vote for Sarah. in the red lipstick!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kentucky Dream becomes REAL!!

So we finally made it happen. We closed on our house in KY Aug 22.

The great room is roomy and homey. We love it!!

The kitchen too, has lots of room. But the YELLOW MUST GO!!
The Terra Cotta in this picture (Between the cabinet and counter top is the future color of this kitchen!!)

The Master bedroom with the new bedroom furniture is also comfy.

The bathroom is just the right size and th color will do.
Not shown are the other two bedrooms. One has been primed, covering the tourquise and purple for a new muted red, blue and white kids room. The front bedroom is a very muted green and has a guest bed and room for crafts.
What can you say when your granddaughter says, "Grandma, I like it that your house is close to mine" I came back to NC for what reason?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Life changes every day. Can it really be 10 years since this picture was taken? On a trip to Houghton for parents weekend. Time flies and you never realize it until it is gone.

The Bathroom in NC is really fionished. Here are the last pictures to prove it!! Including art and the new bedroom decor.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Kentucky: No longer dreaming

Two weeks ago, I was playing with Sonya. We had a great time together. I went to swimming class

Then we went to the Exploratorium.

Sonya was puppeteering

and studying

and making ameal in the little hut.

At home, we were always doing something - playing, reading, watching shows and, of course, creating...

In addition to all of this, I spent two days looking at houses. We decided to buy something small and convenient to Missy. It will give us a chance to see if we like Lexington enough to retire there, be close to help out when the new baby comes, and also give Missy and B a place to put company when someone else somes to town, since the future arrival of our new grandson Judah Gabriel will fill the house they now live in. It's on the golf course, so Rob can see if he likes that or not.

Monday, June 2, 2008


I've been restless lately.
Maybe it's because of Rob's accident.........

or because I have been reading BJ Hoff's book "Song of Erin"

...or because Rob's job has been changed again.......

I've been homesick so to speak....

For the green hills and deep blue lakes....

For the smiles and laughter of the people

in the land of my ancestors

For a repreive from the pressures and uncertainty of daily living

For a chance to once again meander along narrow roads

and walk woodland pathways

To commune with antiquity

and dream of times yet to be.................